Get Land


A Free Framework to Connect Industrious People With Landowners - helping you to get land through hard work and proven practical skills

What is SKIP?
SKIP = SKills to Inherit Property. It is Paul Wheaton's overarching term for a way for people to SKIP the rat race and start homesteading and permaculture sooner.
SKIP is a free curriculum of experiences you can complete to prove you can do permaculture. While a PDC teaches you how to do permaculture design and analysis, SKIP is hands-on. You are making things.


Thanks to the support of the permies' community, the SKIP book is now available!
Paul Wheaton and Mike Haasl have compiled this one-stop resource for the SKIP program! If you know someone who would like to skip the rat race and go straight to living the permaculture dream, then this book might be the perfect gift!
It is available in both physical book and eBook formats!
Aging landowner
A crucial aspect of SKIP is the story of Otis. Otis is a fictitious person representing all the hardworking farmers who have no one to care for their farm after them, and wish they had someone responsible to inherit their farm and manage it well.
You can read the story of Otis here.
Paul has a podcast all about Otis here.
If you think you might be an Otis, you can get registered here.
If you're wondering about the legal nuts and bolts of being an Otis, we have a thread to discuss them here.

Permaculture Experience according to Paul
- This is one program within SKIP.
- It is a free curriculum created by Paul Wheaton to show that one has learned homesteading and permaculture skills.
- It is a way to learn through doing.
As a SKIPper works through the curriculum, they can post to the forums with proof, which will earn them "badge bits (BBs)" toward their "PEP badges". These badges will be displayed on their profile, and logged on the leaderboards so that potential "Otises" can get to know them.
Permaculture Experience according to X
PEP is a great curriculum to determine a SKIPper's readiness, but any "Otis" can come up with their own curriculum based on what skills they want to see from somebody who might take over their homestead.
There are 5 levels of PEP Badge:

This signifies you've completed one BB in that badge category

This signifies you've done all the required BBs to earn the sand badge.
It should take a skilled person about 5 hours.

This signifies you've done all the required BBs to earn the straw badge.
It should take a skilled person about 40 hours.

This signifies you've done all the required BBs to earn the wood badge.
It should take a skilled person about 220 hours.

This signifies you've done all the required BBs to earn the iron badge.
It should take a skilled person about 1,250 hours.
Want to learn more about BBs, badges, and the certification process? Go here, or get the book!

What are the badge categories?

Use permaculture techniques to grow delicious food. Projects include hugelkultur, chop and drop, Ruth Stout style composting, saving seeds, producing large volumes of food, polyculture, starting perennials from seed, food forest...

Natural Building
Building big things. Build experiences with several styles of natural building that work in a cold climate. Techniques: cob, plaster, straw bale, wofati, natural paint, adobe, natural roofing, waterproofing, doors and gates, dry stack foundation, make cement, cob floor, wattle and daub...

Woodland Care
Transition from using a forest to developing a symbiotic relationship with a woodland.
Create junkpole fence, firewood, coppicing, living fence, twig construction (arbors, tomato cages, trellises, wattle fence), strip trees manually and with power tools, peeling logs, making roofing shakes, plant tree seeds, plant woodland species, grow edible mushrooms, lumber, gin pole, skiddable sheds, rock jacks, berm shed...

Round Wood Woodworking
Build everything from logs, branches, and sticks using zero glue and rarely using metal. Nothing starts with dimensional lumber. Power tools can be okay, but, in general, less power tools. Quite a bit of working with green (freshly harvested) wood. Small and large joinery, mixing green wood with dried wood, three log benches, spoon carving, shaving horse, sawhorse, sawbuck, furniture, shrink pot, box from a piece of firewood, pole lathe, bowl from a pole lathe, proenneke hinge, door latch...

Tool Care
Maintaining and repairing tools of all sizes. Small tool care (sharpening/handles/etc.), power tool care (chainsaws, saws, drills, power hand tools as well as fixed power tools), large tool care (truck/tractor/etc.), appliance repair, bicycle repair, building a tool shed, optimize shop, build a materials shed, create dry places to park/charge large equipment...

Dimensional Lumber Woodworking
Includes construction, cabinetry and fine woodworking. No plywood, waferboard or particle board. Using power tools, nails, screws are used, but hopefully less than in most construction. This badge has a strong emphasis on good joinery over more nails. Projects include: wood scorching, bird house, laying deck, shelves, wooden toolboox, stool, box, picnic table, wood bucket, skiddable lumber storage shed, porta cabin...

Use large equipment to make dramatic changes to the landscape. Build roads, trails, terraces, ponds, berms, ditches, structure site prep, natural swimming pools, dry stack walls, passive garden heaters, garden ATI...

Build and maintain wood burning contraptions that cut energy and wood use by 90%. Build and become proficient at: rocket mass heaters, rocket ovens, rocket cook tops, rocket water heaters, outdoor kitchens...

Food Prep and Preservation
Demonstrate cooking, boiling, baking, frying, and preparing delicious food using energy saving methods like hay box cooking or solar dehydration. Skills include basic cooking, pot and cast iron care, preserving the harvest with canning, drying, pickling and fermenting...

Animal Care
Caring for domestic animals and providing resources and infrastructure to encourage wild animals to do the work for you. Domestic animal care includes: chickens, pigs, cattle, rabbits, sheep, goats, dairy, bees, fish, and butchering. Wildlife care includes building homes for birds, bats, pollinators, garden-friendly insects, snakes, lizards...

Harvest and preserve food from the wild. Gather fresh fruits, berries, nuts, greens, teas, mushrooms, and vegetables from wild sources. Practice fishing and hunting (with vegan alternatives) respectfully. Care for the place we harvest from and improve it with some guerrilla gardening...

Community Living
Building a desirable community and creating community experiences for others. Skills include creating public art, cooking meals for a group, leading workshops and presentations, improving a common space, creating a community holiday, creating a LIC (labor investment collective), giving tours, creating a map, organizing community events like a swap meet...

Mend and make clothing and other useful textiles. Skills include: mending, weaving, knitting, crochet, spinning, sewing, basketry; as well as growing fiber plants, harvesting them and creating cloth. Tasks include creating curtains, upholstered furniture, patching, darning, knitting socks, leatherwork, basketry...

Greywater and Willow Feeders
There is no “waste” in nature. Horticultural techniques for safe management of poop and pee. Using soaps and cleaners that are greywater friendly, reuse wash water in the garden. Planting “poop beasts” like willow, poplar and cottonwood. Proper handling of “willow candy”...

Build and repair metal things. Welding, cutting, blacksmithing, casting, bending/shaping, and grinding. Large farm equipment, as well as small projects...

Plumbing and Hot Water
Pressurized, non-pressurized systems. Working with metal and plastic plumbing. Installing, replacing, or repairing pipes. Maintenance and building new systems. Stopping leaks, maintaining hoses, repair or replace drains, toilets, faucets, garden hydrant...

Maintain and build electrical systems. AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current). On grid and off grid. Battery maintenance, installing outlets, breaker panels, repairing and building solar systems...

Prove that you can earn money in multiple ways, including some non-conventional ways. Prove to Otis that you would arrive with your own income streams and would not be dependent on his savings. Demonstrate: several income models over the internet, passive income streams, earning money through permaculture labor...

Natural Medicine
Harvesting healing herbs from a garden and the wild to establish a collection of medicines. Build knowledge of the efficacy of the plants on a particular property by recording the healing nature of each plant you harvest. Skills include identifying plants and their properties, keeping records, making teas, tinctures, oils, salves, poultices, and preserving medicinal herbs for future use...

Demonstrate to Otis that if you stay in that second house, you’ll take care of it. Cleaning, shoveling snow, laundry, simple house maintenance, and other daily, repetitive tasks that make our living space livable according to the standards of Otis...

Known experiences that don't fit into the other aspects...

Unpredictable, unique and creative experiences worthy of PEP. Rather than BBs, this aspect has a point system to earn badges...
The Benefits of SKIP

benefits to the individual pursuing SKIP (skipper)
- free to access framework and connect to an Otis
- possibility to inherit land that they otherwise would not have inherited
- develop skills
- develop a sense of accomplishment
- a path out of the rat race, or a path to avoid the rat race

benefits to the entire population
- reduction in carbon footprint
- reduction in petroleum footprint
- reduction in toxic footprint

benefits to an individual (Otis) developing a relationship with a skipper
- free framework to determine worthiness and connect with industrious individuals
- will your property to somebody you find worthy
- hire somebody you find worthy
- rent to somebody you find worthy
Joel Salatin gives his take on SKIP...
"Although I’m getting calls from investor types, he’s getting calls from folks who want to inherit their place to a worthy young person. But how do you test worthiness? Wheaton has come up with his plan, which is a community-audited accomplishment list. Others can show their worthiness by simply being faithful and successful embryonically and upgrading year to year. However you can express mastery, that’s what counts, and there aren’t shortcuts. That means you can’t wait for the opportunity; you need to blossom where you are with what you have. And if you’re looking for a next-gen replacement, don’t look for college degrees. Look for mastery."
Joel Salatin, Stockman Grass Farmer


Skip Book
- US Shipping only
- Companion guide to your SKIP journey
- Hard copy/190 pages

Accelerator Bundle
- SKIP book (physical copy)
- SKIP eBook (ePUB)
- 1 deck Permaculture Playing Cards
- Tour of Wheaton Labs: The Movie (HD streaming)

SKIP eBook
- Instantly available to start reading today!
- ePUB format/562 pages
- Read on the go!
Let's take a Peek at the skip Accelerator bundle!

As well as the physical SKIP book and eBook, you'll also get...

Permaculture Playing Cards
This collaboration between Paul Wheaton and Alejandro Orteja has brought forth a gorgeous deck of 52 cards. Each card is unique, hand-drawn and a wonderful display of a permaculture theme or artisan. This deck will give you a chance to sneak permaculture into the lives of everyone you play with, giving you a chance to seem a little less crazy and infect more minds with permaculture! You'll also learn more about key permaculture concepts, which can further enhance your SKIP journey.

Tour of Wheaton Labs: The Movie
If you're curious about the center of the Permie's universe, Wheaton Labs, there is no better way to check it out, short of trekking to Montana. This movie shows off the projects, experiments and efforts of Paul, the bootcamp, and the collaborative events that occur each year. You'll be inspired to crack on with the SKIP program after watching this!

Join us, in person, for the 2024 SKIP Event at Wheaton Labs!

Contact us © Paul Wheaton | 2024